AI is probabilistic – that’s why it needs constraints
Computers used to exclusively follow rules; now they generate possibilities. Combining both approaches maximizes their potential.
Computers used to exclusively follow rules; now they generate possibilities. Combining both approaches maximizes their potential.
Is there a real new paradigm around the corner? And is the desktop going to disappear?
WCAG guidelines, design patterns, and real-world case studies.
Pretty valuable resource if you dodge all the ads: the fourth edition of the report showcases the current state of Design Systems in 2025.
Recently, we've been too focused on fitting to the computer's shape, and not enough to our own bodies.
People aren't mad at Figma because it's too hard to use–but because they lost focus on designers and got over bloated with useless features.
Understand the techniques that make notifications impossible to ignore.
Technology gave us the Google Maps experience that says “You are here.” Modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world. That's dangeous.
An essay on how the decisions we make writing software shape our enjoyment of the craft.
Orchid’s synthesiser engine allows musicians to create sounds from retro keyboards to expansive textures. A beautiful PDP.
Every software system has a lot of things that can go wrong. Sometimes these are called “failure modes” of the system.
Eliminate first, Automate where possible, and Simplify what remains — to minimize user effort and improve form completion rates.
How tech companies that safeguard our data are more likely to "die" before we do.
In the future, software that can’t be used by an automated agent will feel less powerful and more burdensome to deal with.
This isn’t the humble-brag you think it is; the most common origin story is also common to startups that fail. But it’s a start.
A browser recorder that automatically adds zooms and pans.
Doing more with less isn’t just possible — it’s the future of work.
Focused AI features lead to better user understanding and adoption.
Challenging the idea of displaying your entire navigation as a cluster of links.