Right to root access
Right to repair laws should include provisions requiring manufacturers to unlock a device’s bootloader upon consumer request.
Right to repair laws should include provisions requiring manufacturers to unlock a device’s bootloader upon consumer request.
The word consistency is a loaded term in my work. If you ask five people what consistency is, you’ll get ten different answers.
Stories are often adapted from their original medium to a different one. This note explores the opportunity the browser offers.
Life has been a haze this last year. After selling my company, I find myself in the totally un-relatable position of never having to work again.
A new Caltech study quantifies the speed of human thought processes and finds that we think, remember, and process remarkably slowly.
The problem with this situation isn't that Mozilla or Firefox aren't good enough. It's that the web is too complicated.
How does the dissolution of the line between personal and professional time impact our willingness to connect outside of our phones?
This year I took a sabbatical and learned many learnings.
This year, we’ve seen countless posts about rebrands, but do we need to draw a bolder line when critiquing design work?
There is this joke that people do statistics in R, machine learning in Python, and AI in PowerPoint. (I did not say it is a funny joke.)
Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. —Ray Cummings
Somewhere along the way, you realize that no one will teach you how to live your own life.
Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.
There’s an assumption that because of the relationship between metabolic rates, volume, and surface area, animals get 1B heartbeats per lifetime.
An Indian’s answer from the Heart instead of the Mind.