The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Reflections

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AI’s biggest flaw? The blinking cursor problem

AI’s potential is immense, yet clunky user interfaces and a lack of discoverability are holding it back from seamless adoption.

What killed innovation?

How interactive data visualization has gone from bold experimentation to polished, predictable formats.

Stamina is a quiet advantage

The ability to sustain focused effort despite pain or discomfort (or to stay true to your values especially when it’s hard to do so).

Leadership over measureship

If you’ve ever had an app randomly interrupt your day to ask if you love it. That's measureship.

Design for a small planet

UX Design is going through its own “you cost too much” phase right now. How can we have our “Design for a Small Planet” shift?

The frontend treadmill

A lot of frontend teams are very convinced that rewriting their frontend will lead to the promised land. And I am the bearer of bad tidings.

Past and present futures of UI

Is there a real new paradigm around the corner? And is the desktop going to disappear?

Our interfaces have lost their senses

Recently, we've been too focused on fitting to the computer's shape, and not enough to our own bodies.

Why it’s so hard to align our work with our values

Many of us accept that what we do to earn money and what we do to benefit humanity must be separate activities.

One step forward, two steps backwards

We're essentially taking these crystal-clear images captured by the latest camera technology and intentionally degrading them.

The billionaire boycott conundrum

With every attempted boycott, there is some backlash, and backlash to the backlash.

Our human habit of anthropomorphizing everything

Should we be humanizing AI?

You are here… or they are here?

Technology gave us the Google Maps experience that says “You are here.” Modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world. That's dangeous.

Nobody should be a “content creator”

Social media platforms don’t care about quality content – they care about interactions.

I quit my FAANG job because it’ll be automated by the end of 2025

Taking a medium-term look at the market dynamics, I’m now convinced that my former job will be obsolete by the end of the year.

Death, and how tech forgot about mortality

How tech companies that safeguard our data are more likely to "die" before we do.

The existential challenge of design system team morale

Design systems are hard. But guess what? So is every other discipline of design and engineering.

The real reasons bad design happens

No one intends to make bad things, yet we know how much of the world is not well designed.

The profitable startup

For years, startups have been taught to prioritize growth over everything else. But that thinking was always flawed.

Natural information architecture

On the neocortex, mental models, and tacit knowledge.