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Category: Data Visualization

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The New York Good Times

A different way of seeing the news.

Subway stories

A beautiful and interactive visualization of the MTA’s subway ridership data. Created for the 2024 MTA Open Data Challenge.

Most beautiful news of 2024

Distilling the world’s data, information & knowledge into beautiful infographics & visualizations.

Dataviz accessibility principles

I tested how well different election dashboards implemented common dataviz accessibility princples, and explained where things went wrong.

Per second vibrations

Distilling the world’s data, information & knowledge into beautiful infographics & visualizations.

Dotted maps generator

Create vector dotted maps with custom options and download them as SVG or PNG files.

Methods for random gradients

An overview of techniques I’ve used to generate random gradients.

Analyzing my text messages with my ex-boyfriend

Facebook allows you to download all of the messages you've ever sent, ever, as JSON files.

Pin Point

A data visualization of the most common 4-digit PIN codes.

The Communal Plot

Interactively respond to a daily poll and see how your responses compare to others in real-time!

Cicadas rising: A visual guide to 2024’s rare dual appearance

Here’s what to expect as cicadas make their debut in a historic emergence that hasn’t occurred in more than 200 years.

A lifetime of change

Leaving the future generation hope for a better planet.

The invisible seafaring industry that keeps the internet afloat

How one crew risked radiation, storms, and currents to save Japan from digital isolation.

Mario meets Pareto

Discover how to find the best Mario Kart 8 build using the Pareto frontier method.

This is a teenager

Watch hundreds of teenagers grow up into adults – and see how their lives turn out

Why Jesus Never Ate a Banana

About 69 percent of the global diet is “foreign,” says a study that pinpoints the origin of 151 food crops.

The Climate Charts Are Not Okay

The chart looks wrong. It looks like a malign mistake, or like two separate charts have been combined in some nefarious way.

Models All The Way Down

If you want to make a really big AI model you start by finding a really big training set.

A long read about NBA shot data

I used to play basketball and I do a lot of data analysis and mapping.

Beyond bars and lines: 7 cool ways to visualize data in your dev tool

We examine 7 methods of displaying data, the pros and cons of each, real life use cases, and we share even more scenarios where you might use each.