The five best design links, every weekday


Cracking a “Developer Tools Killer” script…

The other day I got an email from somebody who said he found a website that cannot be debugged.

Assistive technology shouldn’t be a mystery box

Web developers nowadays have full insight into how browsers work.

The ongoing defence of frontend as a full-time job

It seems to me that we’ve come full circle back to when I started as a web developer.


One of the GPT-4 demos made a massive splash: painting a web app on a napkin and getting the “AI” to create the HTML, CSS and JS to make it work.

Noise cancellation for development

We have a skewed image of what we should be as developers. And more and more people get depressed and feel bad because of it.

The web starts on page four

After 25 years of working for, on and with the web, I am looking at the current state of it and I don’t like it.

Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets

There is no doubt that, besides the Elements tool, Console is the most used part of the browser developer tools.

The accessibility stalemate

A lot of excellent accessibility advice never gets distributed beyond the initial audience.

The unseen benefits of accessibility

A few days ago I posted a graph I found some time ago that jokingly explained the benefits of subtitles in movies and tweeted about it.

Seven ways to test for accessibility of your web site with browser DevTools

Browsers come with developer tools built-in and these have great accessibility testing features.

Tools should not only be for experts – they should turn us into them

About eight years ago Bret Victor tried to change the way developer tools work by providing a faster and simpler way from creation to consumption.

Always bet on HTML – being misunderstood

A few weeks ago Chris Ferdinandi wrote an ode to HTML called Always bet on HTML in which he once again praises the benefits of HTML.

Progressively enhancing radio buttons with SVG whilst staying accessible

Sometimes it is fun to re-visit very basic HTML things and look what we can do with them nowadays.

Into the web multiverse

This is the article version of a talk I gave at Web Unleashed in Toronto and Halfstack in Vienna.

How !important are we?

One of my favourite parts of CSS is the !important exception.

A more complicated web

One of the amazing things about the web used to be its simplicity.

Different views on view-source

Over on Jonathan Snook's blog we have a pretty good debate about a controversial tweet by Tom Dale.

The full stackoverflow developer

The Ryanair approach to progressive enhancement

Write less, achieve meh?