The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/04/16

Instagram is Eating... Everything?

Over the past year I have found myself using Instagram as a replacement for several other products. Although I've had an account since 2010, I have felt a steep increase in my own usage recently, I attribute this to a few unexpected use cases....

Thoughts on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's User Experience

As a long time fan of Zelda games, I was excited to dive into Breath of the Wild. It is both the largest game in the series as well as the one that most successfully provides a sense of adventure. It...

People Who Speak the Right Language Win

It's late afternoon. For the last 2 hours you've been waiting in line at your local DMV. Such a simple thing as registering a car, but nobody gets it here. You'd expect to stop by and say "Hey, my name's Jack and I've just bought a new BMW. Thank you!

A Vue.js introduction for people who know just enough jQuery to get by

I've had a love-hate relationship with JavaScript for years. I got to know the language by way of the design and development community's favorite whipping boy, jQuery. You see, at the time I began learning JavaScript, as a "Designer who codes," working with jQuery was a magical experience.

Designing Accessible Products

A comprehensive visual guide to making web technology available to a diverse world. ac·ces·si·bil·i·ty: the quality of being able to be reached or entered. In a diverse world like ours, we cannot simply assume that all the users access and experience digital products in the same way.

From the Internet Archives: The ancient design of your favorite websites

The A - Z of famous landing pages from a time long, long ago. Some time ago I was working on a lecture about the importance of unique value proposition in UX design process. One of the hint I wanted to give my students was that in many cases older (or first) versions of big brands' UVPs can be better benchmarks than those that these companies are using today.

Musical User Interfaces

Music. Code. Teaching. Design.