The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Typography

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The type designer celebrating the richness of Arabic script

How type designer and lettering artist Kristyan Sarkis is celebrating the rich diversity and history of Arabic script.

Fonts in use

A searchable archive of typographic design, indexed by typeface, format, and topic.

Generative fonts

NaN Glyph Filters is a a collection of procedurally generated display fonts and the codebase that was used to design them.

Report: future typography

A report by Monotype celebrating typography’s progress, and challenging us to to look at the larger cultural forces shaping our time and work.

Exat typeface

Inspired by EXAT 51’s artistic and architectural endeavors, this typeface features clean lines and structural clarity.

Times New Ramen

While ramen packaging has evolved to fit modern design trends, many brands still stay true to their traditional aesthetics.

Reimagining fluid typography

For many years, it has been ‘best practice’ to use relative units (especially em and rem) for sizing text. But are we responding to the right inputs?

The hardest working font in Manhattan

A story of a 150-year-old font you have never heard of – and one you probably saw earlier today.

Hyperlegible font

A font crafted for low-vision readers, by the Braille Institute.

Shapecatcher: draw the Unicode character you want

Search through a database of characters by simply drawing your character into a box.

Cheetos "other hand" font

The first ever typeface fully designed with the other hand — because the designer's dominant hand was... busy.

Type manual: units of measurement

Kilometers per hour, kilowatt-hours, degrees, square miles, liquid ounces (and much more).

Visual history of the Latin alphabet

Interactive visualization of the history of the latin alphabet, showing the temporal and formal relationships of the different scripts and typefaces.

Shaping ligatures in monospace fonts

Shaping is the process of converting text (UTF-8 code points in our case) to a sequence of glyphs with positional information to be rendered.

Advent of TypeScript

Advent of TypeScript is a month-long event running from December 1 to Christmas, featuring daily TypeScript challenges.

Test and preview fonts in real-time for all your design needs. Choose the perfect typeface with ease.

The stories behind iconic typeface names

Typography is a cornerstone of design, shaping the way people perceive messages and ideas.

History of Latin type

The rich history of type design and the technical evolution of typesetting are woven into our everyday practice of typography.

Airport typeface

Commercial aviation grew rapidly in the post-war years. In consequence, airports had to become more capable, too.

Leica’s engraved fonts

A deep dive into Leica’s proprietary engraved fonts and how they make their products more special.