The five best design links, every weekday


The Mystery of the Dune Font

Putting a name to the typeface that defined the visual identity of the science fiction series and its author, Frank Herbert

The Mystery of the Dune Font

Putting a name to the typeface that defined the visual identity of the science fiction series and its author, Frank Herbert

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie titles

The classic Christmas TV special opens with letterforms that can be traced back to the Lettera alphabet book series.

The Exorcist movie titles

The classic horror film carried over an iconic typographic style from the novel it was based on, but later editions diverged curiously.

I ❤️ NY

On his 92th birthday, and one year after his death, we commemorate Milton Glaser's most iconic creation.

Fonts in Use: Philip K. Dick paperbacks

Over two decades, Roslyn Gothic graced dozens of covers with works by the writer, building a visual identity for the master of dystopian fiction.

Font In Use: (2021 rebrand)

The updated website is more reminiscent of a Millennial direct-to-consumer popup brand than a staid government agency.

10 Years of Fonts In Use

Looking at the present and future state of the website after its first decade.

Ramones presidential seal logo

An adaptation of the US presidential seal helped solidify the iconic style of the pioneering punk rock band.

Law & Order

On its 30th anniversary we celebrate the show’s typeface that was just as recognizable as its iconic sound.

The Black Panther: Black Community News Service

Typewrite, rubdown, and pasteup: 1960s photo-reproduction empowered Emory Douglas to make maximum impact with minimal time and expense.

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?

Frederick Douglass' reflection on the lop-sided access to freedom serves as a counterpoint to the typical celebration of Independence Day in the US.

"Incalculable Loss" front page of The New York Times for Memorial Day, 2020

The newspaper publishes its first purely typographic front page in modern times, acknowledging a grim milestone in the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Sisterhood is Blooming" poster

An icon of 1970s feminism from a collective of DIY graphic artists proves you don't need impeccable letterforms for effective poster design.

Fairway Market logos

The legendary New York grocer is rumored to close its stores after 87 years. Here's how their typographic identity evolved over the last decade.

Fonts In Use: John & Paul & Ringo & George

Experimental Jetset's archetypical band shirts have become a referential meme, inspiring countless adaptations for text-based abstraction.

Fonts In Use: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Graphic designer Peiran Tan plumbs the typographic psyche of the celebrated anime franchise.

Fonts in Use: Cherry by Nico Walker

The cover for Nico Walker’s debut novel Cherry was designed by Janet Hansen, senior designer at Alfred A. Knopf.

Fonts In Use: Depero Futurista, Dinamo-Azari

The Bolted Book from 1927 shows that Fortunato Depero didn’t need hot new fonts to make groundbreaking typography.

Von Arts and Crafts zum Bauhaus, Bröhan-Museum

Gerwin Schmidt’s poster series combines fonts that immediately evoke the styles and spirits covered by the exhibition in Berlin.