The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2021/05/05

Classic UX books from the 1980s

Uncover or revisit 9 classic UX books from the 1980s by Norman, Tufte, Shneiderman, and others.

Tridimensionality: skeuomorphism, flat design, and neumorphism

This text explores the characteristics, rationale, and representation resources of three of the most relevant recent UI styles.

Create better conference slides and presentations

Tips and advice to help non designers craft slides that look professional and help catch the audience. And a bonus checklist!

Redesigning Amazon’s Kindle app for avid readers

3 UX Pain Points of Avid Ebook Readers and How to Fix Them

The State of CSS Cross-Browser Development

My thoughts on why cross-browser development is better than in the past.