The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2020/05/10

Exclusive App for Webinars - UI UX Case Study

This case study is part of a design challenge in which I was asked to explore live streaming as a media format.

UX Design Methods In A Mind Map

If you are wondering when to apply which design methods, this mind map may help you.

Responsive CSS Grid - Books

A "product grid" demo using - CSS Grid - Clip Path - Conic Gradient, and more.

AOC is making house calls in 'Animal Crossing.'

We may be required to socially distance here in the physical world, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is still making house calls-in Animal Crossing.

Write Libraries, Not Frameworks

When a programmer thinks "I've got some code that will make others' lives easier", there are two forms that can take: a library, or a framework.