The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2018/09/11

As the Chrome dino runs, we caught up with the Googlers who built it

The new easter egg was submitted in September 2014, under the guise of a page redesign. How did the launch go?

Houdini Spellbook

The objective of the CSS-TAG Houdini Task Force is to jointly develop features that explain the “magic” of Styling and Layout on the web.

What I Learned Making 5 ARKit Prototypes

Imagine a future where everyone is wearing "AR glasses", and digital content isn't limited to screens. Would that future look like this?

Taking Ownership As a New Grad Designer at Google - Google Design - Medium

I recently had a conversation with my teammate about how to effectively present work to engineers.

How to create human-figure icons

In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the process of designing a human-figure icon.

Web Design: How to Use Icons on Landing Pages

Examples of how icons can strengthen usability and navigation of a landing page as well as make it catchy and attractive.