The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/04/18

Ladies That UX on women in design and diversity

Ladies That UX, an international organization of women UXers with over fifty chapters worldwide, reached out to the global Women in UX community to gather several different viewpoints on how women contribute to the UX field at large. cel·e·brate: acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity; perform a ceremony publicly and duly.

What Would An Apple MacPad Pro Look Like?

Apple has created many near-magical devices that enrich our lives. Their products exude ultra premium design, with a multitude of useful features, and constructed of refined materials. They get thinner. They get lighter. (But those prices never get smaller.) And we love them for it.

When Design Feels Like an Uphill battle

This was first published on my mailing list The Looking Glass . Every week, I answer a reader's question. This has probably been the most common discussion topic among designers over the past decade. Pretty much every designer I know (myself included) has, at one point or another, felt they were working with people who didn't fully appreciate design.

CSS Grid Cheat Sheet

My design process of the 'User Experience Revolution book' cover design

One of my favorite projects to work on is designing book covers. They're always a very rewarding challenge. It's often an opportunity to express my creativity at its full potential which makes it fun. I recently designed two book covers, and for one of the books I also did the entire layout.