The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/03/04

The magic of microcopy

When I think about the products I love, they all have one thing in common: delightful little details. There's this coffee shop I visit almost every day. Whenever I order a drink, they always add a little artwork on top. It might be a fancy leaf one day, a swirly swan the next.

Zara: A Usability Case Study

Zara is one of my favorite clothing brands, but I run into problems every time I use the app. Although I am not affiliated with Zara, I wanted to figure out if other users were having similar problems. I decided to conduct usability tests, which led me to discover multiple pain points and redesign part of the experience.

10 Steps for better onboarding experience

Onboarding is one of the most crucial elements of every app. Very often, it will determine whether a user will continue using an app or not because of how simple it is to use.Onboarding is way more than just 5 intro screens and explanatory tooltips on a user interface.I've described my onboarding process below using the most interesting examples.

UI Component Playbook: How to design & engineer modern frontend with components

People gauge the quality of software not just by how well it works but also how it feels. The experiential quality of apps is intrinsically shaped by frontend development simply because it is ultimately responsible for shipping the 0's and 1 's that people end up touching.

The Design of Political Movements

As designers, we can apply our skills to shape public opinion, and ultimately affect political change. This article will explore some of the ways designers have made an impact in the past through branding, product design, and graphic design. Branding is a powerful tool. Branding is a promise of shared values.