The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/01/27

How we’re using Component Based Design

Component Based Design is often talked about in context of large, complex projects. In this post we're making the case that it can also be very beneficial for smaller projects and teams. We now use Component Based Design for every project, big or small.

Handoffs Guide for Pixel Perfect Design

I've had the opportunity to collaborate with many UI/UX designers throughout my career, and I've noticed one very interesting thing about how they work: They don't use established guides to complete projects. If you are a new developer at a company, team members can send you links to a GitFlow or GitHubFlow, and you will learn everything you need to know about repository management in 10 minutes.

How making hundreds of hip hop beats helped me understand HTML and CSS

It was 2 AM on a Saturday night, and I was up late working on a new project. As a beatmaker, you would think that my screen would look something like this: Rather than programming kicks and snares, I was trying to build out a sticky navigation bar on my website.

Pantone Color of the Year: Introducing Greenery

The Pantone #ColoroftheYear for 2017 is #Greenery. A refreshing and revitalizing shade, Greenery is symbolic of new beginnings

Redesigning, part 3

Building the website in Webflow Over the last couple weeks, we looked at why we decided to redesign and the process of designing the site. In this article, I'll detail how I built the website - for a company that makes a tool for building websites - using that tool for building websites.