The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/12/19

Text Emoticon Creator

Create unique text faces for chats, forums, source code, ... Generate japanese emoticons simpler than ever!

Animation in Design Systems

Sarah Drasner drops down on the sofa, turns on the TV and puts on some Christmas classics. Yes, it's time to talk animation, and not just any animation, but how you prescribe and document animation in your design systems. Perhaps you'll be moved to make some changes.

Best Sketch Plugins I Used This Year

Improving design skills and workflows for UI/UX designers I have been a fan of Sketch for the past 12months and to be honest, it has solved a big problem for me. Made me become a better designer. Not only did my interface design skills improved but my overall workflow process became tremendously faster.

Design, prototype and preview with Adobe XD Beta, now available for Windows 10Sponsored

Design and prototype websites and mobile apps with Adobe Experience Design CC (Beta), the first all-in-one solution for UX designers. Download now to get started.

How I discovered my girlfriend applies UX Design methods as a Fashion Designer

The bathing suits she's creating are for her customers - women from 18 to 45. But it doesn't mean that the customers she will deal with are only women. It is sometimes the boyfriend, the brother or the father who is seeking a nice gift to offer.