The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/10/11

From sketches to the iMessage App Store: How I got my stickers published in 8 days

I usually work with Illustrator when creating vectors. I will cover some basic things to note when preparing your Illustrator documents for stickers. Know your sticker size. You must choose 1 of the 3 sizes later on in Xcode (I will cover this in part 2).

Goodbye Pixate, Hello ProtoPie

Sad news. Pixate is shutting down. I felt the same way when Flash faded away. While Pixate isn't dominant like Flash, it certainly attracted a large group of people who love the simple concept of making prototypes. It was a good tool that contributed a lot and we'll see its end soon.

UX idea for Uber

I've been a huge fan of Uber since the first day I got out of the car without touching my wallet at all. I remember thinking that they must have lots of talented designers and product people, because they have nailed so much of the whole experience.

How to stand on the shoulders of giants

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton In 1676, Isaac Newton spoke of the great thinkers who came before him as "giants." Their insights helped him discover new insights of his own. 340 years later, the giants are much taller.

Using Norman doors to inform your next design

While sitting in a cafe, I notice a really tall guy making his way through the outside area. He's at least 6'6, but he doesn't have to duck under the roof beams. It's interesting how the beams were designed to account for his height, and how everyone's sitting in a chair that fits their back, and they're drinking from cups that fit their hands.