The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2022/05/26

Four Tradeoffs When Designing Navigation Menus

To be an information architect is to immerse oneself in tradeoffs: sacrificing one approach or direction for another.

Customizing Color Fonts on the Web

Color fonts provide a way to add richness to your designs without sacrificing any of the many benefits of using plain text.

Interactive Typography Tutorial

Learn the fundamentals of typography through this gamified walkthrough with real-time feedback and logic-based principles.

How Linkedin Increased Notification Opt-in Rates by 500%

This story shows the problem with most retention notifications and how Linkedin reframed their prompts to reengage 5x more users.

Font Matrix – See & Pair Typefaces Like Never Before

A new way of looking at typefaces, that can help you find better type combinations, faster.