The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2018/02/23

Introducing Zeplin Extensions

Today, we’re very excited announce that we’re taking our first step into making Zeplin more extensible.

Dear Ueno: How did you create the 3D characters for The Interview?

Dear Ueno is an advice column for people who for some weird reason think we know what we’re doing.

How Paul Rand presented logos to clients

In the 1971 issue Graphis magazine, Stanley Mason wrote a piece titled "How Paul Rand Presents Trade-Mark Designs to Clients".

New Look of the Games for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games by Interbrand

Needing little explanation since you are probably watching it right now, the XXIII Olympic Winter Games have been held for nearly two weeks.


Interaction design and timeline animation, right inside Sketch.