The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/03/02

Overcoming Material Design

Okay, I'm going to start this off with one statement; Material Design is great. It has helped unify user interfaces across platforms, and it provides designers with awesome resources (the icons especially πŸ™πŸ½). And while some of you may use Material Design as your UI-North-Star (why are you doing that to yourself), I am not that big of a fan.

I Subscribed To Push Notifications From 12 News Outlets For 3 Months - Here's What I Learned

News orgs need to more carefully consider their influence when sending updates Intro If you've been wondering what it's like to consume news round-the-clock during this interesting time in American history, well, I am here to tell you it is exactly as stressful as it seems. While it certainly was not the healthiest choice I've made for my sanity, or now lack thereof, in December 2016 I elected to subscribe to iPhone push notifications from 12 news outlets, all of which send snippets of information that generally cause tremendous pain.

Inspiration: Clearleft

Work closely with the Clearleft team to conceive and create new products and services. Or make purposeful design improvements.

Why I Converted My App to a Chatbot

Just under a year ago, I embarked on a quest to better understand my seasonal allergies. In support of this quest, I spent a few weekends writing an iOS and Android app called Hayfever. With the app, I could log my symptoms and it would collect data about the allergens in the area.

I wanted to see how far I could push myself creatively. So I redesigned Instagram.

The challenge: to take an application I love and use everyday, then see how far I could push myself creatively as a designer, by rebuilding it from the ground up. I chose Instagram because I've been a dedicated user since 2011 β€Š-β€Ša year after it was launched.