The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/02/09

AMA: Mikael Cho, CEO and Co-Founder of Unsplash

Hey everyone! I'm Mikael , co-founder/CEO of Unsplash. For the last 4 years we've been running Unsplash as part of Crew but a few weeks ago we announced that we'll be splitting Unsplash and Crew into separate companies. Unsplash started as a Tumblr blog with public dropbox links as a way to help Crew grow.

Preparing and Exporting SVG Icons in Sketch

This article is going to assume that you already understand the fundamentals of icon design. And focus on how to prepare and export them for usage on Web, iOS and Android. We will use Sketch to organize, manage and export the icons.

Design Principles Behind Great Products

Lately, I needed to come up with some top level principles for the product I'm currently working on. I seek for some simple yet powerful concepts that will guide our team design decisions and break stalemates in discussions. For the first step, I decided to look around to see what others come up with.

Inspiration for Search UI Effects

A couple of schematic, inspirational proof-of-concepts for how to show the search interface on a website using CSS animations. View demo Download source Today we'd like to share a couple of ideas for search interaction effects with you. Mainly, we'd like to provide you with some inspiration for how to show the search interface in an interesting way.

UI Component Explorers - your new favorite tool

UI components make you think reusable, predictable, and modular. This may be true for small apps where you can easily recall each component from memory. As an app grows teams encounter two challenges: there's a flood of components and component complexity increases. What is, in theory, a solid architecture for building modern UI's becomes unwieldy as apps grow.