The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/04/29

Diversity in design: what can I do as a designer, today?

As we wrap up our journey through Diversity & Design, a few points start to become clear: the actions we can take, today, to influence the direction our industry is headed and to allow for more diverse and inclusive work environments. ac·tion: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim; a thing done; an act.

Introducing Sizzy - A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fast

So, here's how Sizzy happened. You know the drill. You're developing an app for a client and you need to make every page and every component work in every variation, on every device. I was already using react-storybook to switch between all the variations of a component, but I still had to switch between 12 devices just to see the changes in all of them.

Email Awards. Should We Have Them?

Twenty years ago, at a San Francisco nightclub called Bimbos, the first Webby Awards ceremony was held. It had 15 categories, such as Travel, Games, Music, & "Weird." It was quaint. It was funky. It was what the internet was like back then.

Stop Consuming and Start Creating

My son was frustrated with lack of originality in his drawings. He said he used to find it easier to create new characters and worlds. Now he's in a rut making variations on popular worlds created by Nintendo, Marvel, and DC. I told him with blogging and podcasting, I sometimes get sick of myself (hard to imagine, I know).

Confetti Sketch Plugin: Generate gorgeous confetti patterns in 1 click