The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/02/04

Punched Card Typography Explained

Card punches of various types, models and makes featured an option to print the characters encoded by the holes punched in any of the columns in human readable form onto the top of the card.

An Abridged History of UI

This article is for anyone who works or is interested in user interface, whether you are a developer, designer, consumer, or enthusiast, and realized how little you actually know about the history of your industry. You have to know the past to understand the present.

Year-in-Review Digests

Yeah yeah, we know, it's February, and by now we've all got both feet firmly planted in the endeavors of 2017. But at RGE, we thought we'd take one last look at 2016. Like a lot of folks we're ready...

Data Humanism, the Revolution will be Visualized.

Originally published on PrintMag . Data is now recognized as one of the founding pillars of our economy, and the notion that the world grows exponentially richer in data every day is already yesterday's news. Big Data doesn't belong to a distant dystopian future; it's a commodity and an intrinsic and iconic feature of our present - like dollars, concrete, automobiles and Helvetica.

What we can learn from Alexa's mistakes

Design challenges for conversational UIs Conversation. The key to human-to-human interactions; a spectrum ranging from cavemen around a camp-fire, to lengthy political debates, through to awkward small talk with your dentist. Something that we've really got sussed - we quickly make decisions about whether someone is interesting, not paying attention to us, if we want to date them or employ them, based on it.