The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/11/08

Touchbar Nyancat

touchbar_nyancat - Stupid nyancat animation on your +$2k MacBook Pro's Touchbar

The Art of Stealing: How to Become a Master Designer

Pablo Picasso once said, "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." This has never been more true than today. Many outsiders believe that designers are unicorns, gifted or special in some way. We have an innate ability to create gorgeous interfaces, a natural talent for matching complementary colors, an unexplainable intuition for building beautiful typography.

Dumb Questions for Smart Designers

Your product is already obsolete

The relentless march of technological improvement means that by their very nature technology businesses fail. That's why as founders, product people, marketer - or whatever our role is - we need to be acutely aware of all the different technological shifts happening in the industry and consistently ask ourselves if and how these things actually affect us?

Chinese language on the web

If you hadn't realised by now, I am Chinese. I was born in Malaysia, then studied and now work in Singapore. Like many others with similar backgrounds, we speak both English and Chinese with native fluency, plus a smattering of other languages and dialects here and there.