The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/10/23

The End of the Black Turtleneck

I was mingling with a few guests at a small wedding some years ago. It was a slightly overcast day in the California mountains, but the venue had beautiful views that overlooked the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Quite stunning.

Skyrocket your Sketch workflow

This post talks about how you can boost you productivity with Sketch, coupling a fine-tuned selection of valuable plugins with a new methodology of interaction for desktop applications.

The Evolution of Email Design

Email, like Winona Ryder, was born in 1971. And both are currently enjoying a midlife revival of sorts. Sure, email doesn't have a hit Netflix show, but its continued evolution could end up turning the marketing world upside down. (Sorry, we couldn't resist.)

What You Can Do with Different Font Weights

If you are a Mac user or Google Fonts user, often you will come across a typeface that offers a variety of font weights. Have you ever thought about what you can do with these different font weights? Today, I would like to show a few examples that illustrate the their usage.

CSS Flexbox Explained by Road Tripping Across the Country

The popular Flexbox model attempts to replace the giant pain known as CSS " floats ". Unfortunately, it also introduces yet another entirely new system into CSS. And you thought there were enough already! Actually, the grid-oriented nature of Flexbox makes much more sense than constantly juggling your "float" and "block/inline-block" values.