The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/09/09

Prototyping an E-Commerce App in Flinto: Part 1 of 2

After opening up Flinto, you'll be presented with the splash screen, where you can go ahead and click on New Document. This, in turn opens up the New Document window (Yes, I know, the obvious has well, and truly been stated there). Set the Device Type to iPhone 6, and click Create.

Create your own API for Craft Data Plugin (no code required)

Let me show you how to improve drastically your workflow by creating your own API that can be used with Craft Data plugin, with no coding required at all. By the way, API stands for Application Program Interface. It makes the communication possible between softwares. Your database and Sketch in this case.

Beyond the iPhone

I enjoy the writing of Farhad Manjoo, tech columnist at The New York Times, but I was prepared for the hottest of hot takes when I saw his latest column, penned just hours after Apple's latest product unveiling, was titled What's Really Missing From the New iPhone: Dazzle.

Identity Crisis: Am I a Developer or Designer?

I used to be confused about whether I should introduce myself as a front-end developer or as a designer. I would switch back and forth based on the situation and whom I was talking to. Applying to a design studio? I better call myself a web designer. Being interviewed by a software architect?

Designgest: fresh digest about trends of interactive design

Designgest is an easy way to get fresh information about interactive design trends