The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/05/16

Style Guide Guide: A boilerplate for creating superb style guides

Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.

Rebranding Benchmark: The Journey of Our In-house Design Team

Let's rewind a bit: Benchmark started back in 2004 as an email marketing service that was easy to use and accessible to anyone hoping to grow their business. Since then, the company has experienced significant changes resulting in the need to reidentify who we are over the years.

How one software company overhauled its old school vibe

Following Volusion's brand redesign from conception to implementation. Volusion has a long and vibrant history as one of the top ecommerce software websites on the web. We were created in 1999 by web designer Kevin Sproles, who was just 16 and working out of his parents' house.

This website shows that to find talented women in design, you just need to look

It's no secret that talented women in tech often don't get as much attention as their male counterparts. A Mic reporter, tired of the bullshit, recently made her own list of 1,000 qualified women in tech. In 2015, a Medium post collecting different groups of venture capital investors who are women was also making the rounds.

Hired: We Bring Job Offers To YouSponsored

With Hired your job search has never been easier! Simply create a profile & vetted companies compete for you, reaching out with salary & equity upfront.