The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/01/21

22 Things New UX Designers Should know Before Entering the Workplace

Whether you've graduated from a short course or a degree, when you first enter the workplace you'll learn 100 times more than you'd ever imagine. Sure, you'll learn more techniques and practises, but the soft skills you'll pick up are just as valuable.

Sketch users- here's why you should consider switching to Figma

I know. It feels like we all just recovered after moving to Sketch from Photoshop. Also, we like Sketch. It's built for us from the ground up, it's updated every month or so instead of every 2 years, and it's made by good people who listen to their users.

A story of a designer conquering mathematics.

Mathematics was frustrating. When I was young it seemed to be pointless to spend too much time on solving mathematical problems whilst you have so many other things to do! When I was a university student, I took an interactive art class where they taught me how to be a creative artist by writing code with Processing.

Introducing Source Serif 2.0

Version 2.0 of Source Serif is here! The work on this release has been a long time coming, and represents a major step forward. You can get this newest version of Source Serif from Typekit for web & sync, and its development files are available open source on Github.

The Futures of Typography

1452 was a year of witch hunts and plague. Wild bandits were spreading chaos throughout Europe whilst medicine, transportation and science had been in stasis for almost a millennium. But throughout all of this despair there was a glimmer of hope in the German town of Mainz.