The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/01/07

The New GT Cinetype - Mechanical Poetry

The new GT Cinetype Minisite

Human-first vs AI-first approach to building a smart and fast bot

eBay ShopBot: all AI, no humans Consistent but rigid No playing favorites. Everyone gets the same amount of attention. ShopBot speaks to everyone with a consistent voice, knowledge, and flow. Less mistakes. It won't go off course or skip a step by accident. If it does skip a step, it's by design.

Tiny Trends #1: Non-Rectangular Headers

Dashes of flair to kick your designs up a notch. Breaking parallel is a great way to take a standard, rectangular header and adding some visual interest. It's often accompanied with overlapping cards to give introduce another "z-layer" of depth. Anyway, I won't bend over backwards with an drawn-out explanation.

Anual Awwwards 2016

Discover and vote the most impressive and innovative websites of 2016 and win the last book of Awwwards

CSS-Tricks Redesign v15 Notes

Little redesign around here. As ever, it's just a start. It will ebb and flow in the weeks, months, and years to come. There are bugs! There are little differences that might take a tiny bit of getting used to! You're always welcome to contact us and report bugs or let us know what you think.