The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/08/30

10 links to get started with Conversational UI and chatbots

We recently collaborated with Adrian Zumbrunnen to launch a bot that keeps you up to date with the greatest and latest in UX. The talkative bear presents fresh content about UX in a new, chat-like, format.

The Art of Designing With Heart

How to make useful, friendly software for real people. One of the things I love about making software is that it's a deeply mental exercise, chock full of heady processes, abstractions, and interconnected pathways. You can fill your brain with the practical nuts and bolts side of it-research, strategy, prototyping, programming, UI, operations, and more.

How to Ditch Lorem Ipsum and Start Using Real Data in Your Designs

How to Ditch Lorem Ipsum and Start Using Real Data in Your Designs (GIF Warning!), Part 1 of 2 First off, no one speaks Latin except for the three kids who took a class in high school because "it seemed pretty easy", and also probably your friend toiling away in med school, reciting fancy phrases like Vulnus Punctum ( dude got stabbed!

Inside Design: MetaLab

Love Slack? Thank Victoria, BC-based MetaLab, the company that designed the web's most popular corporate chat client from the ground up. They're also known for building TED Connect, Notarize, and many more beautifully designed, highly functional products and apps. We couldn't be more proud to have them as part of the InVision community.

Think Less. Design Better.

If we consider all the potential variables to produce a high fidelity concept, and there can be many, it becomes clear that we need to limit and define them early on. Reducing the amount of choices available will make it easier to be decisive.