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How to Design the Best UI for Room-Scale VR

As virtual reality becomes more and more mainstream, we, the designers and developers, are starting to build in bullet-proof techniques and processes to make VR environments and experiences fun, believable, practical and seamless. Here are some things I've learned about designing a user interface (UI) for room-scale VR interactive experiences.

Here's What It's Going to Take For Augmented Reality to Take Over The World

With rumors swirling about Apple's plans in Augmented Reality (AR), as well as recent teeth gnashing about the state of Magic Leap, it's beyond time for the AR community to have a real discussion about what it's going to take for Augmented Reality to become the primary computing environment worldwide.

Draw sketches for virtual reality like pro

Virtual reality is a brand new frontier, but there are already tools that cover almost all the steps of creating a new experience (thank you, game industry). But sketching is so ancient, as we still are using the same tools as ages before, a pencil and a piece of paper.