The five best design links, every weekday


Good vs. Bad Designers

A parody about designer trends. "Good vs. Bad Designers" is published by John Saito in BullshitIst

Duh Furor & the Tale of Two Portraits

Today I completed a portrait of the Baron of Bignorance. The Buddha of Bullshit. Duh Furor. Donald J. Trump. This portrait of Trump is a one-tiny-handed salute to this dishonest, disruptive man and his dangerous ignorance and influence. The parallels to another angry wannabe despot, who led Germany to ruin, are too clear to ignore.

Against Minimalism

This post is supported by my backers on Patreon! Please consider supporting independent political writing by becoming a patron or making a one time donation. So, that Apple conference happened the other day. They took out the headphone jack, like tech journalists rumored for years and years, and are now selling you a $9 dongle or forcing you to get Bluetooth earbuds, which are...