The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2022/05/13

Everything New in Figma

The opening keynote for Figma’s Config 2022 just wrapped up and so many of the latest announcements have me feeling excited!

A CSS Slinky in 3D? Challenge Accepted!

You know Slinkys, right? That classic toy you knock down the stairs and it travels with its own momentum. Let’s make one with pure CSS!

A powerful, flexible, Markdown-based authoring framework

From personal blogs to massive documentation sites, Markdoc is a content authoring system that grows with you.

Writing Better CSS

Writing better and more manageable CSS is something to strive for as a front-end developer. But what is better CSS?

90s jazz design: cups, controversy, and nostalgia

From paper cups to pop culture — the surprisingly dramatic story of the 90s jazz design.