The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/04/14

Historic GIFs wot I did

I spent just over a year at the Bodleian being sassy on social media and making GIFs out of centuries-old collections. The animation of the Bodleian's collections lent them new life. Beautiful images painstakingly made by monks and illustrators hundreds of years ago leapt from their pages anew onto Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr feeds.

How to get the best design feedback from your team

In 2015, I wrote out my thoughts on creative feedback. Here's that article in list format: Feedback should be concise Feedback should be action-oriented Feedback should have a consistent format At the time, the Planetary design team was growing. We were grappling with one of the challenges every design team faces: how do we get good feedback?

70ish Life and Business Lessons for Designers

I teamed up with Joel Beukelman to give a talk at Creative South 2017 in Columbus, Georgia to share tips for designers on a wide variety of topics from craft and work-life balance to the business of design. Joel works with me on Design Inc.

Drawing Words and Writing Pictures: An Appreciation of Maira Kalman

Designer and writer Frank Chimero salutes the methods and work of the legendary illustrator. A lot of my job as a designer, writer, and illustrator is producing words and images, then finding interesting methods to merge them. I am always hungry for inspiration on ways to do this, but there are fewer examples than you'd expect.

Designing for Edge Cases

Methodology, or, "I wonder how long this kicker can be without kicking me out of the kicker area for the title of this post". Evidently pretty long. Medium, you pass the test. When I'm not writing long photo caption articles, I'm working on Sketch design tools at Follow UX Power Tools on Twitter Follow me on Twitter UX Power Tools to make you a better, more efficient designer.