The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/02/20

The anatomy of a button in Sketch

Creating a Button Let's start with the basics by creating a button shape, pill shape in my case, and adding text to that button. Let's then rename those layers so we're not going crazy later on with fugly layer names.

The Art Of Eyeballing - Part V: Stroke (Modulation: Introduction)

The Art Of Eyeballing - Part V: Stroke (Modulation: Introduction)

How the Like Button Took Over the Internet

Once a cursed project, the tiny feature has had a huge effect not only on the site, but on us L eah Pearlman has grown wary of Facebook. The 35-year-old illustrator uses the social network to promote her business, Dharma Comics, but has set up various safeguards to avoid becoming too emotionally invested in the happenings on the site.

Creating photorealistic images with neural networks and a Gameboy Camera

In 1998 Nintendo released the Gameboy Camera. With this camera, it was possible to take images in a resolution of 256×224 pixels (or 0.05734 megapixels). The screen resized your image to 190×144 pixels and shows it in 4 shades of gray/green. Despite these limitations images you took are recognizable for us humans.

Do responsive sites have to be so tall on mobile?

Height is often overlooked in responsive design. On mobile, pages can get pretty long. Should we address this? When designing responsive sites, we tend to focus a lot on keeping content nicely formatted within all the various screen widths in the world today.