The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/12/12

10 things to keep in mind working with Sketch & Zeplin

After weighing the pros and cons of Sketch & Zeplin before start using them, it seemed like there were much more pros than cons, but you still have the same workload and difficulties to communicate with the development team. You find yourself wondering whether developers don't know how to use a so simple tool like Zeplin.

How Invisible Interfaces are going to transform the way we interact with computers

In the mid-nineties, a computer scientist at Xerox PARC theorized the concept of the Internet of Things, albeit with a different name, far before anyone else had and even further still before it had become possible.

50 things I learned from spending 3 years as a UX intern

Over the last 3 years, I've worked as a UX design intern at 2 independent advertising agencies and a famous product company based in Australia. As a passionate and young beginner, I learned how to be open to different perspectives-and how I actually didn't know anything at all.

Use this simple psychology rule to improve your customer experience

People judge an experience by the most intense point and the end point. The judgement is not made from the sum of the entire experience. This is called the peak-end rule. It is a psychological heuristic popularized by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman.

Design teams-are you using Figma yet?

There's already been plenty written about why Figma is awesome so I'll skip that for now. Instead I'd like to focus on how we use Figma to collaborate with our team at Gusto, and processes you can apply to your team. 1. Organization and sharing are effortless Remember when you had to send files?