The five best design links, every weekday


Perceptually uniform color models and their implications

This notebook was created as a learning exercise to teach myself about color theory.

Tidying up Earth

This map shows the countries of the world neatly aligned, rather than randomly spread all over the planet.

Visualization Publication Dataset

Visualizing a dataset of research in visualization sounded a bit meta, but intriguing…

A Very, Very Tiny Grammar of Graphics

If you’ve ever wondered how frameworks like Observable Plot, ggplot2, or Vega-Lite work, you’ve come to the right place!

Wordle, 15 Million Tweets Later

Since the start of the year, Wordle has overtaken “crossword” (by 10x), “olympics” (2x) and even “covid” (1.5x) in Google Trends data.

The Most Frequently Used Emoji of 2021

92% of the world’s online population use emoji — but which emoji are we using?

30 days and as many maps

Embarking on this challenge felt like an opportunity to finish a few open projects, to try a few ideas, and to showcase a part of my usual toolbox.

Analyzing Time Series Data

Approaches for working with data that changes over time.

Observable Plot

New JavaScript library for visualization of tabular data with a concise and memorable API to foster fluency and help you try out ideas quickly.

10 Years of Open-Source Visualization

In honor of D3 1.0’s tin anniversary, I thought I’d reflect on lessons learned.

Examples of bitemporal charts

Bitemporal data has two dimensions of time, like a table with two columns of dates.

How to visualize periodicity?

An Observable notebook by Pierre Ripoll.

Perceptually Smooth Multi-Color Linear Gradients

If you try evenly spacing different colors across a typical linear gradient, you may find it leads to sharp or unusual transitions across the surface.

Daylight Saving Time Gripe Assistant Tool

A handy tool to help make your case when whining about a biannual time change, following earlier explorations of the geography of DST effects

Baseline Grid

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the German design school Bauhaus, we published a story at The New York Times.