The five best design links, every weekday


Create Rive-ting Animations

Rive reduces the time it takes to make complex animation, making some motion items easier and faster to build.

How We Designed & Built a View Transition Demo

Design and development collaboration shines with Figma's Smart Animate and Astro's View Transition API for seamless web transitions.

Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper: A Product Strategy Case Study

Who Gives a Crap’s great brand wasn’t enough to overcome my product frustrations and keep me from switching to Reel.

Conf-essions of a Design Team: The Biggest Takeaways from Config 2023

Config 2023 went big with its first in-person conference in several years.

Drawing Font Inspiration from Vintage Artifacts

While remodeling our home, I found several cool old items left behind in walls and crevices.

Welcome to Wondrium

Rebranding The Great Courses for the age of streaming.

Hiking Apps & Outdoor Safety: A Critique

New hikers are flocking into the backcountry in unprecedented numbers and apps are their tool of choice.

Web Brutalism, Seamfulness, and Notion

How a tool for sensemaking reconciles two distinct software design ideologies.

So You've Written a Bad Design Take

So you've just written a blog post or tweet about why wireframes are becoming obsolete, the dangers of "too accessible" design.

Accessibility in the News

Accessibility is not a new concern for web developers, but the topic has existed with a lack of legal clarity for about as long as the internet.

Design Ethics and the Limits of the Ethical Designer

In our discussions of design ethics, where do designers really fit in?

Building a "Choose Your Own Adventure"-Style Game Engine in 48 Hours

Of all of Viget’s many traditions, our internal hackathon Pointless Weekend may be my personal favorite.

Of Note: Better Text Annotations for the Web

We're accustomed to annotation patterns that discourage focused reading. FiveThirtyEight shows us a better way. Here's why and how.

XR: VR, AR, MR–What's the Difference?

IKEA's latest mobile app, IKEA Place, uses AR to make a profound impact on the way we shop for furniture at home.

A Bone to Pick with Skeleton Screens

Many digital properties now use skeleton screens in an effort to make their apps feel faster. Should you be using them too?

Creating Your First WebVR App using React and A-Frame

Building VR apps has never been easier. Combine that with the power and accessibility of the web and you get WebVR.

Designers Tooling Around: Figma

Figma has become our design tool of choice at Viget. We've been using it to work faster and better, together.

What Not to Wearable: Part 1

All this sounds exciting, freeing even. These innovations could allow us to turn our focus away from screens and back to the material world, to be simultaneously connected to technology while also present in the moment. And that's incredible. However, this also presents new challenges.

Shame the Confirmshamers

Exit-intent modals must be working for you, otherwise you wouldn't be using them (, the foil to confirmshaming, catalogs these "success stories"). Yet, from an experience design standpoint, you're playing with fire. For one, these modals are presumptive: they disrupt visitors' normal browsing behavior online, and often can't tell the difference between a new or already-subscribed visitor, so you risk doubly-offending patrons.

Snapchat is the Donald Trump of UI Design

So what can the rise of Donald Trump teach designers about the perplexing success of Snapchat's unconventional UI? Here are a few thoughts. As DeAmicis notes, it's not clear whether Snapchat's UI design is the product of visionary foresight or just an accident that worked.