The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/03/24

Best Design Advice No One Ever Gave Me

Throughout life, you hear the cheesy saying, "quality over quantity." In most situations this is good advice. Not in the design world. To be clear, this isn't an excuse to show 10 half-assed designs. This means, instead of showing one design you believe to be perfect, show 3 great ideas.

HuulaTypesetter - A Bot that Suggests Font Size for Web Pages

In this post, we are going to introduce you the first web page auto font sizing bot in the world - HuulaTypesetter, which intelligently sets text sizes for a web page by analyzing various factors such as styles of the text, styles of its containers, siblings, etc.

Framer: Design With Type

Words matter, particularly when it comes to product design. While most designers have (strong) opinions on the subject, we can all agree that the best product experiences require the perfect marriage of design and type. In service of that, we're launching Framer Type, a new way to add, edit and even animate text directly in your prototypes.

Blockchain Design Principles

What our team has learned so far-about business and user needs specific to blockchain-that informs our design work. Currently, the IBM Blockchain Design Team is designing anything from supply chain flows to documentation, from open source developer tools to blockchain as a service.

Shame the Confirmshamers

Exit-intent modals must be working for you, otherwise you wouldn't be using them (, the foil to confirmshaming, catalogs these "success stories"). Yet, from an experience design standpoint, you're playing with fire. For one, these modals are presumptive: they disrupt visitors' normal browsing behavior online, and often can't tell the difference between a new or already-subscribed visitor, so you risk doubly-offending patrons.