The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/03/16

The Japanese Foundry Scene - Discover the world's best fonts

Shantell Martin

Snapchat is the Donald Trump of UI Design

So what can the rise of Donald Trump teach designers about the perplexing success of Snapchat's unconventional UI? Here are a few thoughts. As DeAmicis notes, it's not clear whether Snapchat's UI design is the product of visionary foresight or just an accident that worked.

Stack Motion Hover Effects

Item hover effects that reveal a colored stack behind the hovered item

The 6 design trends John Maeda predicted in his State of the Union

Like Groundhog Day for designers, you know spring's a comin' when all-star designer John Maeda drops his state of the union - the 2017 Design in Tech Report. Slide decks may be a snooze, but this particular presentation will echo through tech for the next year, sneaking its way into founders' fundraising pitches and other corners of Silicon Valley.