The five best design links, every weekday

Join the Sidebar Webring

Apply to join the Sidebar Webring by giving us some information about your site. You will be notified by email if your submission is approved.

Who Can Apply?

Anybody can apply, but sites that meet the following criteria have a higher chance of being accepted:

  • You're a personal & independent blog with a single writer and voice (as opposed to company or corporate blogs).
  • Your site has a nice, well-crafted design and layout.
  • You don't publish more than once a day (to avoid flooding the feed).
  • You've had pieces of content featured in Sidebar before.
  • You write mainly about design.
  • You are willing to show a small webring banner somewhere on your site (coming soon).

If you hear nothing back for a week or so, please consider that your application wasn't accepted this time :( Also note that you can submit multiple sites if you'd like.

Please log in or sign up first.