The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2023/12/28

Save Our Libraries: a GIPHY Arts Q&A With Ari Farley

In 2021, Tennessee-based artist Ari Farley faced a life-altering decision: should she leave her job at a science camp to pursue art full time?

2024 Icon Design Trends

Discover the latest icon design trends for 2024.

Most-read Projects from 2023

From identities for a bakery to the Milanese orchestra, here’s our most-read projects from 2023.

How Big is YouTube?

I got interested in this question a few years ago, when I started writing about the “denominator problem”.

The Best Movie Posters of 2023

I am not in the habit of buying movie posters, but I bought one this year — for a movie that doesn’t even exist.