The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2020/11/26

Designed to Deceive: Do These People Look Real to You?

The people in this story may look familiar, like ones you’ve seen on Facebook or Twitter or Tinder. But they don’t exist.

Mercedes vs Lucid, Different Views on Luxury UI Design

Even though the Lucid Air and new Mercedes S-Class are direct competitors, their views on luxury UI are completely different

Why it's good for users that HTML, CSS and JS are separate languages

This week, somebody proposed to replace HTML, CSS and JavaScript with just one language, arguing “they heavily overlap each other”.

Considerations for Making a CSS Framework

Lessons learned from building a framework (Halfmoon) using CSS variables, and the future of customizability and user personalization on the web.

Inspirational Websites Roundup #20

Our favorite website designs that we’ve collected over the past couple of weeks for your inspiration.