The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/05/20

How better onboarding cut our drop-off rate dramatically

If our job is to to tell a complete, consistent, compelling story to a user, then the start of a user's relationship with an app is the perfect opportunity. It's here where you introduce your brand...

New Type Family and Refined Play Icon for YouTube by Saffron

The last we talked about YouTube was in 2013 when they introduced a refined play button to complement the full logo. It was hard to imagine then that YouTube would become even bigger or more pervasive but it definitely has and its big, chunky, red play button is as ubiquitous and recognizable as the Nike swoosh.

The Lost Typefaces of W.A. Dwiggins

The pioneering designer William Addison Dwiggins had a famously good sense of humor. In the mid-1920s, though, he went through a period when he couldn't pick up a newspaper without getting at least a little frustrated. Not necessarily at the news-although some of that was bad, too-but at the typeface it was printed in.

iOS 11: iPad Wishes and Concept Video

iOS 11 for iPad concept.(Full-res) Once heralded as a promising sign of Apple's renewed commitment to the iPad, iOS 9 has begun to feel like a one-hit wonder. iOS 9 represented a profound change for Apple's approach to the iPad. After years of stagnation and uninspired imitation of iPhone interface paradigms, iOS 9 allowed the [...]

Vector icon speed runs

It's common to have to draw the same kinds of icons over and over - many different apps and website use similar glyphs, but each instance typically needs to be tweaked for size and style, so they need to be redrawn.