The five best design links, every weekday


Blur radius comparison

The most common type of blur used on the web and in design tools is Gaussian blur.

Design tool canvas handles

Design tools often pack a lot of functionality around the bounding box of selected objects.

Design tool memory usage

How do various design tools utilise memory? What’s their baseline usage with no documents open?

Shape builder vs pathfinder

In Adobe Illustrator, the shape builder tool and the pathfinder panel can both add and and subtract segments of overlapping shapes.

Formulas for Optical Adjustments

A long-standing trope of the design world is that computers are bad at aligning and balancing the relative scales of elements. This is incorrect.

Pushpin Icon Speedrun

When viewing my vector icon speedruns, it can be difficult to see precisely what’s going on.

Designing macOS menu bar extras

Apple’s HIG is great, but it doesn‘t contain much information related to designing menu bar extras.

SVG passthrough precision

If an SVG is imported into a design tool, then immediately exported as another SVG, how much precision is kept?

Ideal SVG exports

The following article is a random collection of opinions on how design tools should export SVGs.

Design tool performance signatures

When pushed, how do various design tools utilise the hardware they’re running on?

Diagnosing common colour management issues

When working with colours, it can be common for their appearance to change unexpectedly when viewed in different design tools.

What is pass-through blending?

Figma, Photoshop, XD, and Affinity Designer all contain a blending mode called “pass-through”.

Soccer ball icon speedrun

When viewing my vector icon speedruns, it can be difficult to see precisely what’s going on.

My Illustrator snapping settings

The Illustrator defaults aren't to my liking, and counter-intuitively, the pixel snapping feature isn't what I use to pixel snap.

Perfect loops in Processing

There are many possible ways to create looping animations in Processing, but my favourite uses the frameCount system variable.

Testing for wide gamut

Many new devices and displays support wide gamut colour spaces - colours can be purer and more vibrant than previously.

Creating SVGs with Processing

I've been experimenting with creating SVGs programmatically, which opens up a world of possibilities.

Colour management, part 3

I believe colour management is an essential feature for professional design tools.

Colour management, part 2

Previously, we discussed how colour spaces are similar to units of measurement.

Colour management and gamut

If someone asked you to build a coffee table and they specified the legs as a height of 50, what do you think that would mean?