Brad Woods Digital Garden


The Warhammer 40k Adeptus Mechanicus symbol

    The Weighted Companion Cube from Aperture
    Bézier curve


    Status: seed

    Hits: 8

    Intended Audience: Front-end developers

    Tech: SVG, clip-path, path, scroll

    While browsing Twitter I saw @rauno share something he was working on.

    It has an interesting effect that looks like lines are being drawn down the page as the user scrolls. I had a go at replicating this.


    I reproduced the effect using the SVG <clipPath> element. First we define a shape within the element (a rectangle in this example):


    <clip-path id="myClipPath">
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="200" height="100" />

    You can then apply the clipPath to any svg element (a line in this example):


    <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="400" clip-path="url(#myClipPath)" />

    The clip-path will hide (clip) any part line that doesn't overlap. Our line goes from y: 0 to 400. The clip-path is a rectangle going from y: 0 to 200. Therefore, the bottom half of the line will be hidden.

    To create a line drawn on scroll effect, we render a line down the page. Then, use a clip-path to show only part of it. As the user scrolls, we translate the clip-path down the page. Gradually revealing more of the line. The example below uses four lines and two clip-paths:

    • a straight gray line that isn't clipped,
    • a straight dark-blue line and curving blue-purple line whose bottom is clipped and
    • a straight light-blue line that is clipped at the top and bottom.


    The curving line adds an elegance to the design. It is made using an SVG path element. It has a d attribute that takes a series of commands to define its shape.

    M 200 0
    L 200 100
    c 0 60 60 60 60 120
    c 0 60 -60 60 -60 120
    L 200 400
    0040408080120120160160200200240240280280320320360360400400200 0200 1000 6060 6060 1200 60-60 60-60 120200 400

    M 200 0

    Move to the point x: 200, y: 0.

    L 200 100

    Draw a straight line from the current position (set above) to x: 200, y:100.

    c 0 60 -60 60 -60 120

    Draw a bezier curve with control points x: 0, y: 60 and x: -60, y:60. End the line at x: -60, y: 120. I'm using a lowercase letter for this command (c), while the previous two used uppercase (M and L). Uppercase means use absolute coordinates (C <x> <y>). Lower case means relative coordinates (c <dx> <dy>). Take our first control point for example c 0 60. This means from our current position (x: 200, y: 100), move across 0, down 60 and position the control point. It's absolute position will be x: 200 + 0, y: 100 + 60. If instead we used an uppercase letter, C 0 60. The absolute position the control point will be x: 0, y: 60. Regardless of our current position. Any command can use an uppercase or lowercase letter.

    c 0 60 60 60 60 120

    Draw another bezier curve.

    L 200 400

    Draw another straight line.

    Mixing absolute and relative coordinates

    A SVG's grid is normally defined using the viewBox attribute, viewBox="<x> <y> <width> <height>". Where <x> <y> define the top left coordinates. In this example, I don't set the viewBox. So its value defaults to viewBox="0 0 <width of SVG element> <height of SVG element>". Using this, I can easily find the middle of the SVG to start drawing the straight part of the line. Getting the coordinates of the curves is more difficult because the only information we get is the y-position of HTML elements with a target class name. Switching from absolute to relative coordinates makes this easier. See SVG viewBox for more details.


    The path's stroke color is a gradient. Moving from left to right, purple, then blue, then back to purple. SVG gradients have a gradientUnits attribute with default value objectBoundingBox. This scales the gradient to the size of the element it's applied to. Meaning we only need use values of 0 and 1 to define the graident direction.


    x1="0" y1="0"
    x2="1" y2="0"
    <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#c380f7" />
    <stop offset="50%" stop-color="#446482" />
    <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#c380f7" />


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