The five best design links, every weekday


The Good, The Bad, The Web Components

The humble component. The building block of modern web development.

The Tension and Future of Jamstack

A post-Netlify Jamstack opens up a few opportunities that were not possible before.

An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components

As my experience with web components grows, my personal view of how to build a web component is also evolving.

3 Methods for Scoped Styles in Web Components That Work Everywhere—

We want to evaluate a few different options on the table to apply styles (CSS) to our web components.

The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023

It’s time again for every framework author’s favorite: The JavaScript Site Generator Review, February 2023 edition.

The Art of Deception, Lighthouse Score Edition

Some folks are talking about Lighthouse scores in a way that is—in my opinion—not as forthright as it could be (intentionally or not).

If I work really hard on my Open Graph images, people will share my blog posts.

Open Graph images. Those little images that show up when your site is shared on social media. The ones for my site were… bad.

Vector? Raster? Why Not Both!

This week I ran into an interesting class of problem that—in hindsight—could use a much better workflow.

The Origin Story of Container Queries

Container Queries are an often requested feature of the web platform.

Developing a Robust Font Loading Strategy for CSS-Tricks

When Chris Coyier asked me to look at the font loading behavior for the new redesign of CSS-Tricks, I’ll admit that I was excited.

Google Fonts is Adding font-display

You will not have to self-host Google Fonts any more to get font-display: swap.

The Font Loading Checklist

Everything I've learned about web fonts and how web fonts load.

A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies

Read this in about 20 minutes. This guide is not intended for use with font icons, which have different loading priorities and use cases. Also, SVG is probably a better long term choice. If you're looking for a specific approach, I've prepared some handy links that will take you to the section you need.

Web Fonts for President 2016