The five best design links, every weekday


A dozen thoughts about AI

AI. It’s the talk of the town (or at least this year, that is). I’ve been in dozens of conversations about AI in recent days.

Are Design Systems a zero-interest rate phenomenon?

Last year, an investor we were talking to sent us a tweet that expressed her hesitancy about investing in products in the design systems space.

Big, beautiful, beefy focus states with :focus-visible

The new’ish :focus-visible pseudo-state allows me to create bigger, bolder, and more obvious focus states for my keyboard users.

Play at work

The idea I am coming to value most in my professional life is the feeling of “play”.

Scroll shadows with animation-timeline

I got myself into a position: sticky + horizontal scrolling situation with some overflowing tables the other day.

If Web Components are so great, why am I not using them?

Web Components have a marketing problem. I have a lot of opinions about this, so many that I joined the Web Components Community Group.

Getting started with View Transitions on multi-page apps

I hadn’t realized View Transitions for multi-page apps (MPAs) and static sites are ready for testing behind a flag in Chrome 113+.

The case for Flex applications

One day my friend Bryan told me to come look at something on his computer.

CSS Wishlist 2023

Here’s my Top 5 short list of CSS features I want based on the work I do on a daily basis.

Modern alternatives to BEM

Brainstorming a handful of new CSS organization acronyms.

The web is a harsh manager

Addressing the increasing demands of the front-end.

Solving “The Dangler” Conundrum with Container Queries and :has()

It’s a major minor problem that’s tough to explain to the client, but it all comes down to… The dangler.

Goodbye, IE

In 1995, I got my first PC with Windows 95 and my first web browser, unbeknownst to me at the time, was Internet Explorer 1.0.

Productivity-sniped by PARA

How I’m using the PARA method in Notion.

What if... one day everything got better?

An idea for Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

When it comes to complaining about web browsers

I’m not planning on leaving the industry (yet), but before I go I’d like to offer up what I know when it comes to complaining about web browsers.

Let’s talk about Native HTML Tabs

An update from one year of Open UI’s Tabvengers.

HTML with Superpowers

Exploring what web components offer via the Shadow DOM and that you can use them standalone without frameworks, build tools, or package managers.

One-offs and low-expectations with Safari

The other day Jen Simmons solicited some open feedback about WebKit, asking what they might “need to add / change / fix / invent to help you?”

A tale of four prototypes

Here’s some prototypes of some ideas that have been lingering in my head for upwards of 7 years.