The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2020/02/04

Design's Unsexy Middle Bits

I've noticed my students tend to use the term "design thinking" as a synonym for UX/Digital Product Design.

The most hated data visualization in politics is back

“The Upshot,” the data-centric section of the New York Times, is bringing back the most reviled graphic of the 2016 election: the needle.

Get Moving (or not) with CSS Motion Path

With the release of Firefox 72 on January 7, 2020, CSS Motion Path is now in Firefox, new Edge, Chrome, and Opera.

Landscapes Brilliantly Turned On Their Heads in This Digital Campaign

We love the elegance of these cityscapes and landscapes that have been flipped on their heads to create impossible scenery.

Folyo: A Referral Newsletter for FreelancersSponsored

Not getting enough leads? No time for marketing? Try Folyo, the referral newsletter with 8,500+ vetted freelancers & agencies, sharing projects daily.