Softness in iPhone photography

Softness in iPhone photography

Let’s be frank: I’m disappointed with the quality of iPhone’s pictures. The results constantly appear over-sharpened. I tend to like making images with a gentler and softer quality.

Before the iPhone 11 came along, the photos had a softer touch to them. However, since the introduction of their new image processing called Deep Fusion, the images now appear over-sharpened and artificial. Unfortunately, there’s no way to turn this feature off yet. Apple does give the option to shoot RAW, but I'm not quite satisfied with the results.

I’ve been on the lookout for apps that would help me avoid Deep Fusion. So far, my favorites are Ritchie Cam, Varlens and Filca. Varlens even offers a dedicated setting called de-sharpen, which I find quite ironic (and yet, it’s a killer feature if you ask me).

Photographers online are begging for images to look more natural. They would trade the artificial processing for a bit of noise and softness. Imperfection creates character and breeds experimentation. Classic pictures from the film-era many be imperfect, yet the emotion is still intact.

Sharp, saturated HDR images may have more mass-appeal; but if Apple is serious about targeting professionals, they should let them choose.

Long range

Medium range

Close range

Until next time!

Take care,

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