A11y Project Redesign

A11y Project homepage: A11y stands for Accessibility

Five years ago I wrote about The Accessibility Project (a.k.a. the A11y Project) on this blog as it has long been a useful resource for learning about accessibility. In July of this year, a new site redesign launched showcasing the talents of designer Tatiana Mac and the A11yProject community. It’s a beautiful and highly functional site well-deserving of an Accessibility Win!

I love the bold colors, big readable fonts, and information architecture. It’s got a skip link, innovative focus styles, and a meaningful banner supporting Black Disabled people and the Black Lives Matter movement. The site communicates what’s most important and I really love that.

The A11y Project is looking for contributing writers and website maintainers, so if you’re interested in getting involved be sure to reach out to them!


Gatsby Design

Gatsby Design, a website from my colleagues at Gatsby showcasing their design thinking, launched in the past couple of weeks and of course my first instinct was to give it a spin for accessibility. I was so pleased with what I found!

It’s not often that I see a design site launch with no obvious accessibility issues (ahem, Dropbox Design). The Gatsby Design team kept their site simple, and let the content do the talking: articles with artwork telling their stories of working as designers. They kept visible keyboard focus outlines, included good color contrast, and there are no automated accessibility issues that I could find in Accessibility Insights.

Accessibility must be considered before the development phase to be successful, so to see a design team embrace it for their own site is fabulous. We’ve had great conversations internally about contrast and acessibility and I’ve been happy to see the curiosity applied to learn more and expand one’s craft to be more inclusive. It’s the way things should be, really.

Adobe Spectrum CSS

Meet Spectrum CSS

Recently, Adobe launched their Spectrum design system complete with an open-source implementation, Spectrum CSS. In addition to an extremely polished and well thought-out presentation, Spectrum’s focus on accessible CSS practices and quality markup is a breath of fresh air. Its use is likely to facilitate more accessible websites and applications, which is fantastic.

Spectrum the design system includes principles, pattern guidelines, content recommendations, tools and resources, and more; not dissimilar from Google’s Material Design. The Spectrum CSS project, in contrast to its design system, is a working collection of component styles that you can download from npm or explore on GitHub and apply to your own project. It’s an incredible resource to have available, particularly with its rigorous testing and attention paid to accessibility.

One outstanding question I do have is about the textarea component, which doesn’t illustrate usage with a label element and could lead developers to omit a critical piece of accessibility information. But that’s more of an issue with docs/education than a shortcoming of the library, itself. Many of the patterns I reviewed included SVG and ARIA best practices, a welcome contribution in a world of DIV soup component libraries.

According to Matt May, Head of Inclusive Design at Adobe (and my former manager for a brief moment point in time), the Spectrum project has been in the works for over 3 years. Adobe is a large company with many teams–and a robust legal department–so I imagine getting this thing ready to launch to the public with their name on it was no small task. Thanks for making this available to us, Adobe, and keep up the good work!

Accessibility Insights

Accessibility Insights

A project I’ve been recommending a lot lately is Accessibility Insights, a set of free testing tools from Microsoft. It uses axe-core under the hood (which I used to work on) and was years in the making. They’re currently offering browser extensions for Chrome and Edge Insider, as well as a testing solution for Windows applications. Super cool!

There’s a lot to love about Accessibility Insights for Chrome/Edge in particular, but I really love the tab order and headings tools. You can run automated scans for whole pages and dive deeper into ad-hoc tools, gaining knowledge about the health and quality of your pages (or the lack thereof). Microsoft did a lot of solid design and planning work along with their partnership with Deque, and it’s been great to see this launch (even if I’m a few months late to write about it!).

Tab order tool test run on MarcySutton.com

Thanks for the free tools, Microsoft. And happy testing, everyone!



I just love the personal site of Manuel Matuzović, a front-end developer based in Vienna, Austria. I was reading through Manuel’s slides for a talk he did at React Finland yesterday on 12 Tips for More Accessible React Apps and was immediately impressed with the bold design on his site (it looked great on mobile, and works wonderfully on desktop as well). Knowing his typical attention to detail for accessibility, I was pretty sure the site would be wonderfully accessible. And it is! 

I love the little touches with a skip link neatly nestled into the design, animated SVG logo on focus and various link interactions. Manuel used semantic markup in his pages, with a visually hidden h1 element with his name on the homepage. It’s a breath of fresh air getting to see a nicely designed site and know that it’s got accessibility handled! There’s a “beta” message on it, but I think it’s already in great shape.

Manuel: thank you for sharing your knowledge with us in your talks and content bits like the TIL (“Today I Learned”) section of the site. I especially love your Dark Side of the Grid stuff as I’m also using and speaking about accessible CSS Grid. Your contributions are fantastic and I hope they continue!

Matuzo.at: 12 Tips for More Accessible React Apps (Slides, React Finland 2019)

ARIA Authoring Practices on Accessible Date Pickers

Recently I wrote about Delta Airlines’ date picker when booking a flight, as I found it really easy to use as compared to some other airline websites I’d tested in the past (VirginAmerica.com comes to mind). I wrote about the accessibility mechanics they’d used, including ARIA role=application and clever aria-label‘ing to guide the experience. I even cautioned against that role as it often causes problems, which ironically in the case of Delta’s date picker, was true. When I tested it again in JAWS and NVDA, I ran into the same issue reported by Bryan Garaventa: screen readers will frequently get stuck in the wrong interaction mode. Strangely it didn’t occur every time I tested, but it was still bad enough that for the first time ever, I’ve removed a post from this blog.

Delta Airlines date picker with two months side by side

Unfortunately, in pursuit of celebrating something working well, I used an incomplete testing methodology which showed a personal bias. Even by limiting the scope of a win to a single component, like a date picker: if it doesn’t work in a major screen reader used by people with disabilities, highlighting it can spread bad practices. Delta did some things very well, undoubtedly. But not reliably working in NVDA and/or JAWS doesn’t live up to the standard of an accessibility win. People who use those screen readers full-time should have a good travel booking experience, too! So instead, I want to highlight some true winners here: the group of people working together in the ARIA Authoring Practices group (APG) to establish a standard design pattern for accessible date pickers.

Date Picker Example Using ARIA 1.1 Combobox

In a long-running post on GitHub, a discussion highlights some of the detailed interaction requirements for accessible date pickers. There are a few live examples in the thread, including a draft example in the Authoring Practices Guide and another one from Bryan Garaventa (who kindly sent this issue my way). I want to thank them for their dedication to getting this right, as standardizing accessible date picker mechanics is in everyone’s best interest. I look forward to seeing a published solution for ARIA 1.1, so that developers know where to go for the most up to date and working examples.

ARIA Date Picker from whatsock AccDc Technical Style Guide

Bryan’s ARIA date picker could definitely be adapted for Delta.com. It would need to be refactored to include two months side-by-side (if possible) and use different styling, but it should definitely be possible to avoid role=application if followed very closely. Delta unfortunately used this role on the city picker as well, likely because they were having trouble with keystrokes in the autocomplete dropdown. Luckily, there are combobox examples in the ARIA Authoring Practices guide to reference, too.

Complex widgets like date pickers are really easy to get wrong; in fact, something working beautifully for some users may present barriers for others. Custom widgets require thorough testing to get right, especially on Windows and mobile screen readers due to their high usage by people with disabilities. You’ll often hear accessibility professionals recommend using native HTML elements first. The unfortunate thing, however, is those browser defaults aren’t always accessible, either…and our best bet is to come up with standard solutions that can be shared and implemented in various JavaScript projects. Accessible component libraries and guides are really helpful here.

So let my shame be an example to start with proven date pickers. Test in more assistive technologies and with more devices, and be honest with the limitations of your testing methodology so you can go back and test more before giving something the “ship it” stamp. (Listen to Leonie Watson user her screen reader with Bruce Lawson from Smashing Mag, while you’re at it.)

It’s okay to iterate and fix things for accessibility as you go along, as long as improvement work is actually happening. Focus on the browsers and technologies that people use the most, which can be gleaned from looking at your own browser analytics when paired with the WebAIM Screen Reader Survey. And don’t be afraid to ask for a peer review….it just might open your perspective to who you’re leaving out.

TV Für Alle

TV for all

Baseline accessibility is possible in almost any kind of website or web application, and that’s certainly the case with this German TV website, TV For All. Regardless of how a website is rendered–whether with static HTMLm or in this case, Vue.js–putting effort into accessibility does a huge service for users with disabilities. Even the content focus of this site has accessibility in mind, by highlighting TV programs with audio descriptions and subtitles (even if it’s currently light on content).

I like that this site is straight-forward with a modern design. It has a skip link, visible focus outlines, focus management, and accessible names for all links and buttons. I did find that the pink and blue color contrast could be enhanced to meet WCAG requirements (4.5:1 ratio for regular non-bold text, and 3:1 for large text). There is also something preventing keyboard tabbing through lists of TV programs in Safari at desktop viewports, which is odd…but overall they did a great job! Any remaining issues could easily be tweaked thanks to the site’s accessible foundation.

From Marcus Herrmann:

My contribution is www.tvfueralle.de (“TV for all”), a German-language electronic program guide for TV shows and formats that supply subtitles or audio descriptions (once there is more content available, a filter for GSL will be added). As a website with this inclusive concept it had to be made sure that it worked well with AT such as screen readers. It was built in VueJS and officially launched just two-ish weeks ago. I had the opportunity to advise the agency that built tvfueralle.de regarding common accessibility pitfalls in SPAs (routing, modals, toggle buttons,…), thanks to the knowledge base that is Deque University. Unfortunaltely my contribution was just a small workshop *before* they started building it, but in the end, I’m quite content with the result.

Thanks Marcus for the submission, keep up the good work!

Google Maps

Google Maps: Whatcom County Breweries

What a pleasant change! The Google Maps team has done some fantastic work making their app functional with the keyboard. After lacking accessible maps functionality for years, this is a huge improvement! They’ve obviously done a lot of work for assistive technology users as well, with appropriate semantics and intentional, accessible user experience in this complex web application. I’d be willing to bet if you have feedback for them on how to improve it, they’d love to hear from you.

From Manuel Matuzović:

Recently I tried using Google Maps with the keyboard and it works pretty great.

Tab/Shift+Tab to show the blue square
Arrow keys for moving around
+/- for zooming in and out
Numbers 1-7 for selecting places

Explanation and more shortcuts: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/6396990?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

Google Map zoomed in and showing a blue square over the Josefstadt neighborhood of Vienna, Austria

As someone who uses Google Maps all the time, this is very welcome. People need to get around! Thanks Manuel for the submission.

Tatiana Mac, Art Director

Tatiana Mac website

Have you ever heard someone say, “accessible websites are boring”? Hopefully you already know that is an incorrect sentiment, as accessible digital experiences can be beautiful, innovative, well designed and highly functional. With that said, I have a new example for you to hold up and shatter that assumption: the website of Tatiana Mac, an Art Director, Designer and Developer with a focus on inclusive design. She uses bold colors with a sophisticated aesthetic to express her personal brand, and she did a wonderful job making her website accessible.

Decent markup laid out with CSS Grid, little-to-no axe violations (short of one image missing alt text and a few best practices), great color contrast, and quite a bit of personality: those are the things I love about Tatiana’s site. She could perhaps rearrange some headings and add a few more landmarks, but I think you’ll find she paid a lot of respect towards accessibility in building her website. Her point of view and values shine through; in a world of endless inaccessible portfolio sites, this one explifies accessible web design done well. And it’s so refreshing!

After a few month hiatus from this blog (important life events, y'know?), it’s great to find an example that has me excited about the web…because let’s be honest, it can be bleak out there sometimes. But I’m thrilled to be back sharing more tidbits of winning web accessibility. If you’ve seen or built something you feel is deserving of praise, send it my way. Otherwise, it’s back to our regularly scheduled programming. 🤘

Wikipedia Link Preview

Wikipedia page for Common Look and Feel

I saw a link to a Medium post on Twitter today that Wikipedia started enabling link previews on hover states, showing a little overlay with more information about the linked page. This is nice because users can decide whether they want to click a link before doing so. It reminds me of Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think” philosophy by providing users with more helpful information before choosing whether to leave the page.

However, seeing the hover feature made me ask out loud: “does it work on keyboard focus, too?” So I went over to a wiki page and started tabbing around. I was pleased to learn that they did in fact make link previews work on keyboard focus! It might be a little sad that I’m so excited about such a simple thing…but it’s awesome.

One question I had was about a preview settings button inside the overlay; there doesn’t seem to be a way to reach it with the keyboard. To fix it, they could potentially enable another key command to reach the overlay (like a down arrow), or maybe they could inject it into the tab order right after the link. Amazingly, the team already took note of my comment on Medium and reached out to say they’ll address it!

Additionally, the overlay isn’t announced in screen readers. I couldn’t seem to trigger it with the devtools open to inspect the markup, but I suspect they could pair the link with the overlay by using aria-describedby. I’ve passed that idea along to the team as well.

In any case, this is a great start. Thanks for considering keyboard users for your basic functionality!