The five best design links, every weekday


Dignity by design

Dr Patricia (Pattie) Moore is renowned as one of the founders of inclusive design. But she now says it’s time to ditch those terms.

Every decision you make shapes how you’ll be remembered

“Average.” “Too commercial.” “You’re just a manager.” “Not cool enough.” “You design landfill.” Let’s cut to the chase – ugly, isn’t it?

Ten takes: what is the best design of 2024?

From a theatre rebrand to a luxury space suit, ten designers pick their favourite work of the past 12 months.

Brand makes you buyable

77% of VCs believe branding significantly impacts their perception of a start-up’s potential and is a key factor in funding decisions.

A lesson from the US: identity is complex

Amid the cavalcade of commentators, we’ve heard enough from the experts, the pollsters, the politicians. It’s time a design journalist weighed in.

New book celebrates UK’s influential modernist graphic designers

A new book promises to “right a historic wrong” by highlighting the work, and enduring influence, of some of the UK’s modernist graphic designers.

How Femme Type found the hidden women of typography within a year

Amber Weaver, the designer behind the organisation, speaks to Design Week and reflects on a year of celebrating women in typography.

How the design of the postbox has evolved

This week the Royal Mail began trialing a new postbox, heralding the first major design change in its 160-year history.

Emily Oberman gives Rotten Tomatoes its first rebrand in 17 years

The Pentagram partner has given the film and TV review website a new logo, icon range and colour palette for the first time since 2001.

“People are amazed by what designers could once do with their hands”

Waitrose rolls out new brown sauce packaging – designed by a seven-year-old